Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thing #7

Well, I have added several feeds. I added them to Bloglines as well as my Outlook 2007 RSS folder. I haven't decided which one I will continue with yet. I have also asked some of my techie co-workers what they subscribe to and then will look at those as well. I tried all five search tools and prefer the Google Blog Search. I though it was more user friendly than any of the others. I didn't like at all. It was too difficult moving around. In and Technorati it was difficult finding a "description" of the blog without having to go to several different places. Now with all of that said, it might just be me :-)

1 comment:

Allana said...

It’s been almost two weeks since you posted about using Bloglines and Outlook 2007 RSS folder. I was wondering if you’ve decided which one you like better. I’ve never actually used the Outlook to read my feeds. I may have to give it a try.